Media Room
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People Fixing the World: Improving our eyesight
Myra Anubi
Many agricultural workers don’t have the eyesight they need for the work they do, affecting both their comfort and their ability to earn more money. They're among the billion plus people who have visual impairments but can't get the assistance they need. We visit a coffee plantation in southern India where workers are being given glasses on the spot. As well as easing eye strain, the intervention has been shown to increase workers' pay significantly.
A Simple Way to Improve a Billion Lives: Eyeglasses
Andrew Jacobs
It’s the biggest health crisis you’ve never heard of. Doctors, philanthropists and companies are trying to solve it. While not seen as urgent as other world health problems, untreated vision problems cost the global economy $200 billion annually to lost productivity, according to the W.H.O.
Landmark Study Proves and Quantifies Impact on Worker's Productivity
Prof.Nathan Congdon & Priya A Reddy*
Called PROSPER the study affirms that eyeglasses have the potential to dramatically boost worker productivity worldwide. In India, providing tea pickers with corrective lenses improved worker productivity by 21.7 percent, with productivity increasing to almost 32 percent when vision correction was p (...)
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For information, to set up an interview, additional photographs, b-roll or additional information, contact:
Melissa Bromley | melissa.bromley@visionspring.org
VisionSpring @ a Glance
VisionSpring at a glance including program focus and impact.
Press Releases
Download our latest news releases here:
VisionSpring and IAPB Elevate Collective Effort to End Avoidable Sight Loss | January 2024
Half a million factory workers have vision screened in landmark proiect led by alliance of US Businesses | October 2023
VisionSpring provides the first-ever vision screening for monks in the Dalai Lama’s community | July 2023
New Vision Programme Will Test the Sight of 47,500 Rural Zambians | June 2023
VisionSpring’s Screening Methodology is Adopted by the World Health Organization | January 2023
MacKenzie Scott $15m gift to VisionSpring will help unlock $1 billion in income | October 2022
VisionSpring Moves Manufacturing from China to India | August 2022
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