Increase Earnings,
Extend Working Years, Improve Lives.
Reading Glasses for Improved Livelihoods: it's the name of our program, and it's a core tenet of our work and organization. Presbyopia, also known as farsightedness, affects millions across the world. If untreated, presbyopia can severely constrain productivity and livelihoods.

Near Vision Glasses
people need near vision glasses (readers) globally.

Vision Impairment
suffer vision impairment due to either lack of or inadequate vision correction.

Productivity Impact
increase in Average Productivity amongst tea pickers provided with Reading Glasses in a randomized trial conducted in Assam, India.
RGIL Partnership With BRAC has Successfully Corrected Presbyopia for Millions in Bangladesh and Uganda.

How it works
- VisionSpring trains Community Health Volunteers (CHVs), known as Shasto Shebikas in Bangladesh to provide vision screenings at camps and sell glasses.
- Through partner organizations' networks, glasses are brought to the last mile of some of the most rural areas of countries.
- CHVs receive commission for each sale, incentivizing them to visit more households and provide their services.
- Marketing by VisionSpring and local partners drums up interest in biannual vision camps, which are held in each village and offer free screenings, affordable glasses, and referrals as needed. Camps and marketing also help to normalize the wearing of glasses within communities.
Insights & Customer Success Stories
Interested in learning more about our Reading Glasses for Improved Livelihoods Program? Read some of our success stories. BRAC, Visionspring Expand New Eyeglasses Market BRAC, Visionspring Expand New Eyeglasses Market VisionSpring and BRAC announced the

BRAC, Visionspring Expand New Eyeglasses Market
VisionSpring and BRAC announced they provided one million pairs of affordable eyeglasses to low-income customers. It is estimated that the RGIL program in Bangladesh has contributed to $110 million in increased income at the household level since it (...)

A Step Closer Toward Attaining Universal Health Care in Kenya
VisionSpring and Amref's RGIL program is delivering on Amref Health Africa's vision: "Lasting Health Change in Africa" by increasing access to affordable, high quality reading glasses.

3.4 Million Ugandans to Benefit
BRAC Uganda and VisionSpring forged a partnership to provide access to high quality, affordable eyeglasses to 3.4 million Ugandans through the Reading Glasses for Improved Livelihoods program.
See What People Are Saying

Many people do not know that a simple pair of eyeglasses could dramatically improve their livelihood. Creating awareness and access to eye care is vital. Over the last 10 years, our community health workers have successfully corrected 1 million vision problems. This is undeniably a great achievement.
Sir Fazle Hasan Abed
Founder and Chairman, BRAC

RGIL will play a starring role in increasing access to affordable and sustainable healthcare services to communities in Kenya and beyond.
Amref Blog

Because of my glasses , I can now make up to 10 pots per day, helping me earn more and take care of my family. Earlier, with out my glasses, I could only make 2 pots a day.
Dipti Pal
Tangail, Bangladesh

Resources for Partners
Already a Registered Partner? Visit the Partner Portal to Get:
- The workplace self-assessment
- Educational content for workers and managers
- Vision Champion training materials
Become a RGIL partner
For organizations with outreach teams serving urban and rural communities.